Today on Erica Drayton Writes, the Prompt is secrets!
Write a 100 word story.
And tag me if you take up the challenge.
David fled the scene. The sight of his co-stars scorched face actually made him feel a bit sick to his stomach. Sam had clearly gone too far. He had clearly gone too far. It was time to put an end to this. As far as he was concerned, he’d gotten his revenge against everyone who made fun of him for being cast as a tree in this years Winter production.
He went to find Sam but stopped when he found her talking to Miss. Hiller secretively. They appeared to be colluding but he couldn’t hear what they were talking about.
All 100 Word Stories
The First 100 | The Second 100 | The Third 100 | The Fourth 100 | The Fifth 100 | The Sixth 100
Treasonous sam!
The plot thickens!!