Today on Erica Drayton Writes, the Prompt is babe!
Write a 100 word story.
And tag me if you take up the challenge.
When she left I was fast asleep. After a hard days work, out on the field, my hands caked dirt and eyes bloodshot, sleep is all I care about. It’s all I ever care about lately.
Then there’s my babe, sittin’ up, waitin’ for me to come on home. A hot plate on the table. But I’m not hungry. I’m not thirsty. Not for her. Or even for the drink. My hunger is satiated by the bed. My thirst is quenched in sweet dreams.
So my babe up and walked out on me, taking my hunger and thirst with her.
All 100 Word Stories
The First 100 | The Second 100 | The Third 100 | The Fourth 100 | The Fifth 100
The Sixth 100 | The Seventh 100