I'll Take You There | A 100 Word Story
#672 | Ten of Blues | Rhythm and Soul Tarot
Today on Erica Drayton Writes, the Prompt is family!
Write a 100 word story.
And tag me if you take up the challenge.
Wanted: Family of five looking, for a three bedroom home, with picket fence, front porch, and evenings free. Come see for asking price details.
This was the ad Henrietta read the morning their landlord evicted them. The same ad she gripped tightly as they drove up to the house and she knocked firmly on the door.
The agent who answered took one look at her family and said, “you’ll do quite nicely.”
“Do what, exactly?” she asked. “What’s wrong with the place?”
“Nothin’ at all, ma’am. Just, the recently deceased owners are particular about whom they share their home with.”
All 100 Word Stories
The First 100 | The Second 100 | The Third 100 | The Fourth 100 | The Fifth 100
The Sixth 100 | The Seventh 100
Why did the ghosts want their evenings free?