Cross Road Blues | A 100 Word Story
#676 | King of Blues | Rhythm and Soul Tarot
Today on Erica Drayton Writes, the Prompt is saloon!
Write a 100 word story.
And tag me if you take up the challenge.
When I strike a chord the stars dance. And when I hum, the clouds part. But when I strike and hum together, the sun rises.
I ain’t felt like striking and humming together in a long time.
Folks round here blame the darkness on the Lord. Or Mother Nature acting out Her revenge on humanity. But I knows the truth. I hears it in their silent anger and overt happiness. They don’t deserve the sun. Not yet.
Till they do, I just keeps striking a chord to make the stars dance. But you won’t catch me humming.
Not yet.
All 100 Word Stories
The First 100 | The Second 100 | The Third 100 | The Fourth 100 | The Fifth 100
The Sixth 100 | The Seventh 100
This one’s perfect ✌️
Really like this one