Not For Love or Money | A 100 Word Story
#678 | Two of Axes | Rhythm and Soul Tarot
Today on Erica Drayton Writes, the Prompt is blindfold!
Write a 100 word story.
And tag me if you take up the challenge.
The blindfold was tied far too tight around my head but I did my best to ignore it. This would all be over with soon…at least…that’s what I hoped.
Someone grabbed me by the arm and led me down a corridor that smelled as if it had just been cleaned; lemons. The kind of lemon smell that stays with you long after you’ve left the room.
I was pushed down onto a chair and the blindfold removed. I wanted to shield my eyes from the bright light but my hands were tied.
Smile for the camera. It’s showtime!
All 100 Word Stories
The First 100 | The Second 100 | The Third 100 | The Fourth 100 | The Fifth 100
The Sixth 100 | The Seventh 100