This check-in is VERY important, especially for those of you who are chomping at the bits with excitement about the 2nd annual Pentober that kicks off on October 1st! As you know, we always have a bit of a warm-up before we begin. A sort of a precursor for those of us who may not have been as active writing on pen and paper. Don’t worry, I’m a part of that crowd! DAMN YOU CURSED TECHNOLOGIES! Read on and soon I will reveal the 15 teaser words we’ll be using as prompts from September 15 - September 30!
July 15 - August 15 = 3,100 words written. Also, The Fourth 100 proof is nearly done. I’ve slowed my pace a bit so I don’t feel so overwhelmed! But, I think what has me most excited are the Kickstarters I have coming in the next couple of months. They are providing me with much needed inspiration to literally carry me through the end of 2024 and well into 2025!
Old Wounds—New Beginnings has taken over my life these last four weeks. I have not abandoned Anatomy of Typewriters, just put a pin in it temporarily. The next major step is awaiting the arrival of the manuscript which I use to have printed in coil binding so I can do my “red pen edits.” I hope to have that in the coming weeks so I can report back in mid-September that I’m applying my edits and moving on to the next two phases before I start looking for volunteer beta readers.
For 16 days let us cast aside our attachments to technology and TOUCH PAPER as a practice, before October rolls around. Here is first look at the prompts that will begin September 15th. But SSSHHHH, don’t tell anyone!
Top in Fiction, a community driven initiative that puts control back in the hands of the fiction community over at Substack is going strong. If you’re look for actual fiction stories to read (poetry, flash/micro fiction, short stories, short serials, and serials) then you’ll want to subscribe! Every Monday a brand new list of great fiction written throughout the week is shared. All recommendations coming from the fiction community of readers and writers (just like you).
and I have revealed the name of our very first series as well as the name of the saga that any series or stand-alone books will appear under. Fascinating world building discussions are happening over at:What are your goals for the next month? Share them here and let’s check back in with each other mid-July to see how we’ve done.
GOAL: I have a writers conference at the top of October, and I am desperately trying to finish revising my manuscript to pitch there. 20k words of character development to weave into the exciting adventure. I can do this.
CONFLICTS: Being the family chef, chauffeur, maid, executive assistant, handyman, barista, and cabana boy, a large part of my day is not reserved for writing, so I must make best use of the time I do get, which is always a struggle, especially during revision. On the bright side, we're taking a cruise this month, which also steals a week of writing time, but... so worth it.