Daxton is the first book in the 6-book series, The 5th Compass, which takes place in Stonehaven. Released in serial form, two episodes each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The audio version is coming in the future for paid subscribers only. Visit the table of contents for a list of previously published and upcoming episodes.
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With the wind at his back Jynx road onward till he reached Gaspar Castle. The king’s army had finally stopped the fire. When he approached the side gate, he was stopped by a guard who looked like he had been through a harrowing war.
“Stop! Who are you? What do you want?” he asked, out of breath.
Jynx dismounted and held the reigns of all three horses tightly. “I am one of the king’s soldiers,” he replied, pointing to his clothing. The guard looked closely and was surprised to see the emblem of the king upon Jynx’s cloak. “I apprehended these horses from recruits as they fled the Castle when the mayhem happened. I was unable to stop the deserters as they numbered four against just myself. I wish to return these and rejoin the ranks.” Jynx did not wait to be allowed inside. The gate hung open, barely staying upright on its hinges, as he led the horses past the guard who was too exhausted to put up much of a fight or an argument.
Jynx did not make it very far as he found himself staring at the sharp edge of a sword. “I saw you. Weren’t you one of the ones who fled, stealing the king’s horses?”
Not missing a beat, Jynx pushed the sword out of his face and remained stoic in his response. “If that were true, what would I be doing back here, and holding the king’s horses you accuse me of stealing?”
“What is the meaning of this? What are you doing with my horses?” the king shouted from across the courtyard.
Jynx pushed passed the soldier and brought the horses to the king. “Your highness, when I saw the smoke, I knew they originated from your stables. I tried to rescue them but found they were being stolen instead. I made chase for the thieves. They abandoned your steeds by a river and escaped on a boat. I would have pursued them but did not want to risk any harm coming to your horses.” He smiled broadly as he could tell the king was believing his every word.
“You have done well…”
“Jynx, your highness.” He bowed before the king who looked upon him suspiciously, if not grateful for his return.
“My Lord, I tell you he lies. He meant to leave with those men who stole your horses. He was roommates with that other one. As I understand it, they were both thick as thieves with their friendship. Perhaps he became a liability to the traitors, and they abandoned him. I say we lock him up till… you know who returns and let him determine the validity of this boy’s statements.”
“Quite right,” the king said, more excited to discover his horses were unharmed. “Lock him in the tower.”
The soldier leaned forwards and whispered in the Kings ear. “Are you sure that is wise, sir?”
The king remembered who he currently had locked away in his tower and realized it would not be wise to subject this boy to such a fate. “You are correct. Put him in the dungeon instead.”
Jynx eyed them both curiously, wondering what or who the king was keeping in the tower. As he was grabbed gruffly by the arm, he looked up at the tower he assumed they spoke of. On the entire property of the Castle there was only one such tower that was tallest than all the rest. There was nothing significant about it and from where he stood all he could make out was a small window at the very top, but nothing more.
He was led inside the Castle, his first time within its walls. Up until that point he was only allowed to remain on the grounds but never enter the Castle without permission. His jaw fell as he did not expect it to be so large and spacious. There was too much for him to see as he was marched down a corridor towards an iron door. Even the soldier who was nearly twice Jynx’s size, had to grunt a bit as he pulled the door open.
He shoved Jynx through the door into complete darkness. Suddenly he heard an indistinguishable sound and saw a flame appear just behind him. The soldier held a torch in his hand as he continued to shove Jynx ahead of him. They both started to descend a spiral staircase. After what seemed like an endless descent, they both reached the bottom and he was led past several cells, most of them empty, till they stopped at what would be his home for the time being.
The soldier opened the gate of an empty cell, grinned at Jynx, then shoved him inside, slamming and locking the door behind him. “I hope you enjoy your stay,” he said, the sound of his laughter echoing down the corridor of cells as he left.
Jynx draped his arms through the bars of his cell and hung his head against it as he listened to the soldier’s footsteps as he climbed the stone steps out of the dungeon.
“Jynx?” Hearing his name, he perked up, looking about him for where he heard his name being called. The cell directly opposite his contained an old man who looked like he’d been living there all his life.
“Who said that?” he whispered.
“it is me, Griggs. I am a friend of Nelle’s.”
“Griggs? What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be far from here, at the river, to bring Nelle her body?” Jynx could finally tell where the voice was coming from; the cell next to his.
“I was trying to leave but my horses aren’t bred for fire and battle. When the flames started, they became skittish and I was unable to gain enough control to leave. I was surrounded by soldiers and had no choice but to surrender.”
“What of the body?”
“I fear they’ve either buried it or burned it, believing it to be dead,” Griggs said, his voice sounding grim and saddened.
“Buried? Burned? But why? Would not Krieger’s mind be in her body?”
“That’s just it, when they apprehended me and searched my wagon to find her body, she was unresponsive. They accused me of killing her and trying to get rid of the body. Why are you here?”
“I came back. I need the money and security I’d be granted once I become a member of the king’s army. There were no guarantees if I were to follow Daxton.” Griggs scoffed.
“Do you think you can get out of here?”
“Perhaps, I do not know. I must wait to speak to the Paragon or something. He’s to determine if the story I spun was true before they will let me return.” Before responding, the man in the cell opposite Jinx’s started to laugh. “Something funny, old man?”
“You speak of the Paragon. No man who has sense enough in his head would want to come up against him. He can kill you with just a snap of his fingers. You would be wise to get out of here and do not look back.” The old man smiled, baring a mouth fool of gums and just one jagged tooth protruding. Jynx tried not to stare at this emaciated man as he realized he might prove more useful than he looks.
“Old man, what do you know of the tower?” The old man’s eyes grew wide with fright.
“Tower? Tower? What care we of a tower? You must find Nelle and get her body to Malithorn straight away. The soldiers worked me over when I was captured. I could not move quite so fast before and I am afraid I move much less than that now. I would be of no use. you are her best hope.” There was desperation in his voice as he tried to convey a sense of urgency.
“I cannot help them now. If I were to do as you ask, I may never be allowed to join the army and my family depends upon me for survival.”
“Nelle needs her body back or she might die. If you do nothing may the fault rest at your feet when she loses her life forever.”
Jynx felt the guilt overcome him. “What would you have me do? I cannot escape nor would I be able to talk my way out of here before the Paragon gets here.”
“I can get you out, but you must promise to do something for me in return.” The old man was still listening to their argument back and forth and wondered if this boy was the answer to his many prayers.
“What do you want?”
“I want you to go to the tower and convince the man there to leave.”
“Is that all? Who is this man and why send me? Is it someone more dangerous than this Paragon you have managed to make me terrified of?”
“Do not listen to this old fool. He’s been after me to do the very same, promising he could help me escape. He is no more able to help you escape than I am able to stand on my own two feet.” Hearing this, Jynx wondered just how badly injured Griggs was.
He looked towards the cell opposite his and inhaled quickly when he saw the very emaciated man squeeze his body through his cell bars. He was so wasted away his limbs were able to get through with very little effort. He then stood in the middle of the corridor, looking at Jynx and Griggs, who had their mouths opened wide in amazement.
“Do you promise me?” he asked, looking at Jynx who could only nod his head, still shocked at how easily this man was able to escape his cell.
“…but wait, if it is that easy for you to just leave, why do not you? Why remain here, looking like that?”
“Because, like your friend over here, I too cannot move about like I used to. What good would it do me to escape? How far would I get? Where would I go? I am not in the business of freeing those with no destiny and you, young lad, surely have one.”
The old man limped towards the end of the corridor and grabbed a set of keys kept on a hook far from the cell doors. He then carefully made his way back to Jynx’s cell and with precision, opened his door with a smile on his face.
“I will do as you ask. I give you my word,” Jynx said, shaking the man’s frail forearm gently, fearing he’d break his bones if he were to grip tighter. He let go and turned towards Griggs’ cell. “Where do they bury or burn bodies?”
Griggs was seated uncomfortably on the ground, right up against the bars of his cell. He wore a black eye, a busted lip, and one hand appeared to have every finger broken. He looked like he was in the gravest of pain, but it did not show in his voice when he spoke. “They bury the dead behind the tower he speaks of. Be careful.”
Jynx hated to see him like this but knew there was nothing he could do for him but what he asked. He only hoped he could do it in secret and return well before this Paragon did. He was no fool. There would be no reward or benefit for any of what he was about to undertake and would not have it ruin his chances of doing what his family expected of him.
“Go quickly, the guard here is lax in his duties and never checks all the cells on his rounds, but he will be here shortly, and you would not want to cross his path.” The old man gave Jynx the keys to put back where they were before as he left. Once he replaced the keys he turned back as the old man prepared to reenter his cell the way he left it.
“What shall I call you?”
The old man knelt by his cell, looked into Jynx’s eyes with a smile and said, “You may call me, Woodvale.”
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