Microfiction Weekend - Footprints in the Sand
Your Best 6, 50, and 100 Word Stories!
REMINDER: This exercise is twice a month.
Footprints left behind in the sand. Not a soul in sight. Who left them?

You don’t have to write your story today!
Write all weekend long!
This exercise is intended to help us learn the art of brevity, and in that spirit, here are the guidelines to follow:
Post only ONE story per length. Yes, this means you can share up to three stories per image prompt.
Be respectful when leaving comments. We are all just trying to tell a story our own unique way.
There are no winners or losers here. But look for “the challenge” if you are so inclined to more competitive storytelling!
First, select the length of story you want to write.
Second, write exactly 6, 50 or 100 words. The Word Count Police 👮🏾♀️ are checking!
Genre? Writer’s choice!
Third, copy/paste your story in the comments. If you Restack, be sure to (@) mention me as well so I can keep an eye out.
WANT AN EXTRA CHALLENGE? If you’re looking for an extra challenge, write one story for each length! Just make sure you let us know which is which by putting “(6-word story” “(50-word story)” “(100-word story)” at the end of each.
I will share my 6, 50, or 100 word story in the comments section along with you!
My 6 word story:
"You passed,
forever, here! "
"Returning back home, I walk alone."