Finally! An aspect of Substack I’ve been pining for! Would it ever come to Substack or would I be doomed to forever write my posts on a computer.
I do have a few preliminary thoughts as I write this very post on their Beta version on my iPhone. I promised that I would use it in this way upon receiving entry to this Beta and I aim to keep my promise:
I have to wonder if this would truly make me use my phone more to write actual posts?
To answer that previous question, I would say ‘no’ and here’s why:
First, access to Drafts. I realize this is Beta and being tested rigorously, but as someone who is writing 100 word stories daily, there are certain parts of my emails that remain the same and I simply plug in the story before I Publish. If I can’t access my Drafts that currently are housing posts for the next two months worth of stories, then using this instead of my laptop is just not possible.
Posts with many aspects and feature such as different Styles and formatting (with the limited kinds of formatting we have, that is) seems to not be here…yet?
Thus far I can see we have access to Block Quotes, numbered and bulleted lists, indents and the divider. Oh, and images. But I don’t see much else. Ah, I take that back.
If I select a set of words I can turn them into a different header style:
Like this!
I see a “Next” button which I assume will take me to the “Continue” page when on the desktop web version just before we hit the Publish button. Strange that it’s grey instead of their classic orange color so that it stands out a bit.
Okay, I clicked the “Next” button and immediately see…too little…
Just an option to select the audience: Everyone, free, paid, or founding. And then whether or not to notify subscribers via email and app. That’s it! 🫣
Attempting to put a screenshot here:
Now, I hope this will be updated to give us some more options, such as, but not limited to:
Section choices. Right now I assume this post will just get logged under Erica Drayton Writes which is equal to not having any real home.
Comments. Can’t turn them on or off I’m afraid.
Publish later. Not exactly sure what happens to this post if I were to X out without publishing it. But right now it seems we can’t schedule what we write on here. I’m sure this will come.
Social image. I’m going to assume we’d need to include and image in the post and it will use that image as the social image that we see on our page?
SEO stuffs. For the most tech savvy among us. Can’t alter the URL before publishing. Yes, I will change mine occasionally.
Some positive things about the mobile ability to post directly from their app:
We can post to different Publications. If you’re like me and you have more than one this is nice to see. No need to have a separate window open for each publication in order to post from one of them.
Simplicity. For all the complaining I make about what Substack doesn’t give us and the many changes they do on a daily basis, I still very much appreciate that there aren’t a ton of bells and whistles in my face when I’m on the app writing.
Who do I think this newly added feature is for?
Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s for me, as it is right now, for all the reasons I outlined before. And it’s the reason why I realize, as I’m writing this, I can’t post from the app! If I do, this will go to my entire list!
For many of us, that likely isn’t an issue. But some of us rely and use the Sections feature as a means not to bother our list with emails they may not want to see. Were I writing this on my computer it would be classified under “Notes from a Writer” which is a list within g my subscribers list filled with predominantly other writers who want to know about something like this. That is less than 10% of my list.
Were I to share this on here and send it to everyone! That would be hundreds of people wonder what in the hell I just sent them, and why?! Am I willing to risk that? Not likely.
So, if you’re reading this it’s because I did my final test of the app beta, which is seeing if I close out of the app would this entire post I wrote be saved in Drafts. If it isn’t there, then I will do a clever copy/paste on my iPhone and report back! Wish me luck!
I return from writing this Post on my phone. This portion is being written on my computer. I had to copy/paste from my iPhone to my computer. Thank God for Handoff (a nifty feature that allows copying from one device and pasting to another)! I checked, and Drafts won’t save from the phone to the web version. I clicked the X and the window just disappeared. I freaked out, but only for a minute since I did already copy/paste it over. When I went back in to “Write a Post” what I had written was just there. So it just remains there until you Post it. Which means there won’t ever be a backlog of Drafts waiting to be posted.
Which leads me back to my earlier question I started to attempt to answer on my iPhone: Who is this app version of writing Posts for?
I’d say it’s for the person who is writing their life. Someone who doesn’t rely on Drafts but sits down, writes their thoughts, and then shares it. Raw and uncut. This current version of the Beta app would suit that person perfectly.
But, if you rely on having multiple Drafts because you’re just not ready to hit PUBLISH on something, or you’re a planner, who likes to start future Posts now while the thoughts are in your head and schedule them for later, this update that’s coming is likely not for you (or I).
I see potential and this is a great first step!
Don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to be a naysayer on this update and if it’s coming off like that, I apologize. Just forget everything I said and you read! In fact, because Substack has done this much I am very optimistic that everything currently missing is actively coming to the mobile app!
I am delighted that we won’t be seeing a completely different app for writers and one for readers. They found a way to incorporate everything in one place! Just the part about being able to write for every publication without needing multiple windows open is a game-changer in my book. Too bad I need to be able to Draft multiple Posts at one time so while it’s a great aspect of the App, it’s unusable to me right now.
I look forward to being able to write exclusively on the app, and especially the iPad app, which I hope will be what they are working on as well. Mobile writing is a future I want so I’m not staring at my computer screen all day. And, HELLO to more real-time writing while I’m sitting on the toilet! (yes, I write a lot of my stuff there, okay!)
I started a post on my iPhone and it saved it to Drafts. Where do I find the drafts on my phone???
Thanks for your thoughts here. Not having access to drafts would be difficult. Can you copy an existing post into a new draft via the app? That’s what I tend to do since my header is the same for almost all of my posts.