Hello VIP Reader
2020 RECAP
Welp, I actually went back to the end of 2019 to see what my resolutions were for 2020. I had lofty ambitions. I'm sure we all did. I'm also sure we all did not foresee a pandemic changing our plans and altering our course. I know I didn't.
My intent for 2020 was to write one piece of short fiction every week. That would've amounted to 52 stories in 52 weeks. Suffice it to say I got to the halfway point and wrote 26 stories. 19 of those are free to read directly on my website! Over 70K words in total!
As I look back on all that happened, I have to acknowledge the good things. I no longer live in an overpopulated city. I now own my 1st home and I'm in a VERY small town where very little happens and I must say, it's great! It's given me the moments of quiet I needed to realize the next chapter in my "writing-life." This leads me to my Word of 2021 and my Resolutions/Goals.
Now, if you don't have, or never have had, a Word of the Year, might I recommend getting one? The concept is simple. You pick one word that you want to always think about or use to remind yourself of your goals for the year. My 2021 Word of the Year is Consistent. I think it's a word that I must rely on heavily if I'm going to make it through the year with all my goals accomplished.
Definition: showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief or custom
I need to prove to myself that I am more than capable of setting goals and meeting them without excuses. Not that a pandemic isn't a really freaking valid excuse. But even looking back at previous years...my level of consistency in my writing has left much to be desired. To that end, here are my "lofty-ish" goals for 2021:
Write 2 short stories every month. Each story will range from 2K - 15K words in length. That's 24 stories in 12 months.
Submit at least 6 of the short stories I write to a literary publication/magazine.
Record and release 12 of my short stories for my Friday Fiction Podcast Season 2.
What are your goals or resolutions? Do you have a word of the year? I'd love to hear what they are!