Today you will receive TWO emails from me. This is the first. The second will be arriving shortly. I am, yet again, late with my Friday Fiction but as today is the “day of the dead” I figured I still had a bit of time to deliver. Yes, it’s a scary short story inspired by a friendship between Alec Guinness and the Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly.
Dear Readers!
In October I had a full week off from work. I honestly can’t remember the last time I took an entire week! Which is crazy considering how often my employer preaches about mental health and reminding us all to take use our vacation days. So much so, that they gave us Mental Health Day off so we’d have a 4-day weekend to unwind. I’ve always been very work-conscious. Which basically means I always get to the last three months of the year and I have to be reminded that I didn’t take any of my vacation days! And as someone who has the equivalent of five weeks worth of paid vacation, not to mention the paid week-long holiday I get from Christmas through New Years, finding time to take off is difficult.
Suffice it to say, my wife insisted (and made sure) I not only took time off but that we booked a vacation to get away too. Living in the middle of nowhere we are already pretty isolated and as “away” as you can get, but this will be the kind of away where we’ll have no dirty dishes, chores, or recycling to manage. At least for a week.
I also won’t have writing while I’m away and that will be tough to manage since I’ve been steadily slipping from my personal goals. I hate personal goals. Kept to myself, I almost always fail. Shared with the world and the added pressure can prove to be too much, though I have been known to rise above in those moments.
All this to say that although I had a small goal of completing Act I of my novel in October, I just missed the mark. Will I make up for time lost in November before I go on vacation? Only time will tell and I will report back on my progress in my next First Edition.
Till then, I will be taking this vacation time to think about my 2022 goals and plans as well as just enjoy the time away from real life things and spend time with the fam. This means there will be no Friday Fiction on Friday, November 12th but look for a short story all the other Fridays in November!
How will you be spending your November? Let me know in the comments:
I found this story most fascinating especially because I had not heard about it till I watched this video! This tells me I really need to get into the literary world more. The drama!
Looking for more great fiction to read:
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