Dear Reader,
A new year means some changes. Nothing wrong with a little change. Amiright?!
The first is that these First Edition emails will now be “exclusive” to you who are on my email list. I figured out how to do it via Substack! What this basically means is that whatever I share with you in these emails can’t be found on my Substack page. So, when I share something on here it’ll likely be exclusive, or a secret, or special just for you so don’t go tellin’ anybody!
Some other changes, in line with my word-of-the-year, I want to share more of me with you. I’ll be doing so with my Monday and Wednesday email that will be less “writer only” stuff and more “get to know me” stuff. I’ll share my likes and dislikes in the familiar “Top XX” style. Review movies, books, and shows I love to binge. Things like that. I’ll still sprinkle in a few emails about my journey through and in writing but in 2022 they will definitely not dominate My Creative View emails.
A few notable mentions of things I hope to implement in 2022 but I can’t 100% commit to as they require the stars to align perfectly on a regular basis to do so:
Friday Fiction 2.0 Podcast - I hope to utilize Substack’s podcast feature this time around. Not sure the frequency of these releases but I really hope to get this going this year.
Game Time (on Twitch??) - I used to be a hardcore Nintendo gamer. I still am (sort of) and will play my favorite franchises whenever a new one comes out. Many of you probably don’t know that? I have figured out a way to share my love of gaming with you and with any luck will have a bit of time to do so every week.
YouTube Channel - This is a “goal” I’ve had on my list for years now. And as much as I’d love to think this is going to be the year, I honestly don’t know. I know what my channel would be about and who it would be for. But knowing and implementing and being consistent are very different. I want to at least take the first step. Whether or not that step will happen in 2022? Only time will tell.
I often wonder if it’s a bad thing to set out to be overambitious when a new year comes around or if less is more? I always like to aim high and see if I can achieve those goals. This year is no different. Well, it kinda is. This year I’m not going to set myself to feel like a failure if I don’t accomplish everything I set out to do.
Too often I’ll give myself an insurmountable goal and then get frustrated or feel defeated if I don’t meet my own expectations. That is not the way to fuel a creative mind! I need to do what I love and be okay with whatever results may come out of that. And if I don’t get to “do it all” I need to be satisfied with all that I have done cause I’m sure whatever it is, it will be more than I did last year!