Dear Reader,
According to my research it has been just a list over two months since my last newsletter! That’s a long time to be away and much has happened in my life to cause the separation. For starters, I have a new job. This transition is still being ironed out and because of the uncertainty in the time I have to write vs work I have been unable to do much of the former.
But I still have every intention of doing the following three things in 2022:
Start releasing serial chapters for my Born From Blood series.
Continue to release Friday Fiction short stories.
Bring the Friday Fiction Podcast back! 2.0 style!
These are three very accomplishable (Is this a word? If not I dub it so now.) things that I’m working to get started on very soon. I just need to find the perfect balance between family, writing, and work.
In the meantime, these emails will be exclusive to you, my subscribers. As you may (or may not) be aware, the way Substack works, you can view my newsletter on the web as well as receive my emails. But I’m looking to cut back my emails to just once a month. This doesn’t mean my writing will cease. I hope to return to releasing something on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays but I’ll spare you having three emails a week from me. Instead, on the 1st of every month I’ll tell you the latest going on in my life and then provide you with links to all I have written throughout the month. This might mean a dip in views/reads/opens of my writing (or it might not) but at least you’ll not be bombarded with so many emails.
How has the first quarter of 2022 been for you? Living on the East coast this time of year means dealing with freezing temperatures and an uncertainty of when Spring will truly arrive. We have hopes, but with continued wintry mix weather and snow still on the horizon, green may not return to the trees till late May.
Till May 1st, when I hope to have an update on the serial I’ve been planning for at least the last two years.
Till then…
Something not many people know about me is my love of Nintendo and specifically Pokemon games.