Writing Studies is for anyone who wants to improve their writing. From the beginner to the professional. No one is immune to improving their writing skills. Whether you write non-fiction articles or fiction stories, writing studies is for you.
Weekly Writing Study Sessions
Sundays - Thursdays Prompt Post
Fridays & Saturdays Check-In Thread Discussions
WEEK 1 - Prompt Writing
WEEK 2 - Prompt Writing
WEEK 3 - Prompt Writing
WEEK 4 - Free Writing
Yes, there is homework in Writing Studies! Of course there is! Why wouldn’t there be? Did you think this would be easy? The point of this is to put you in a place of discomfort. Otherwise, how will we learn and improve. Okay, so think of each Prompt Writing Week as a homework assignment where you’ll do some writing based on a series of prompts I’ll provide. There will be many prompts for you to choose from so hopefully you won’t feel limited there. However, before we can start the weekly writing we need to first do the hard part and I’m opening Writing Studies now to give you plenty of time to put this list together (if you don’t already have it).
List your “Areas of Improvement Intentions” which are those aspects of your writing that you’d like to make better over time.
This list can be as long or as short, detailed or general, as you want it to be. Some examples of what you might want to include on your list:
Tenses (past, present, future)
POV (1st person, 3rd person, etc.)
Commas (ugh, do I hate commas)
The choice is yours. But there is one catch here. If you are participating in Writing Studies one of the main points that can be very helpful is to SHARE your work publicly. This can be hard for some people, to share stuff that they know isn’t very good. I write vomit drafts (ie rough drafts) all the time and I share them as well. If you are someone who likes to sit on something for weeks, or months, or even years at a time then it’s time to shake (or put away) those fears because this will be our fist SHOW & TELL practice run!
I want you to share your list in the comments section of this post.
Consider this how you will DECLARE that you are participating in this never-ending Writing Studies thing we’re starting.
You have until Sunday, April 30th, when the first weekly prompt post will go up!
Till then, share your list, get your sweat bands, workout playlists, water, and writing implements ready cause on 4/30/23 we bout to put our writing muscles to work!