The potion fizzed pink in the glass vial. “One drop,” the old woman warned. “Any more, and chaos follows.”
Madeline, lovesick and desperate, ignored her. She tipped the bottle, swallowing every last drop.
At first, it was magic—men and women alike fell at her feet, declaring undying devotion. But soon, their adoration turned wild, obsessive. Strangers followed her home, whispering sonnets through her mail slot. The barista proposed in foam art.
Fleeing, she found the old woman laughing.
“I said one drop, darling. Love is sweet. Obsession? That’s a curse.”
The potion fizzed pink in the glass vial. “One drop,” the old woman warned. “Any more, and chaos follows.”
Madeline, lovesick and desperate, ignored her. She tipped the bottle, swallowing every last drop.
At first, it was magic—men and women alike fell at her feet, declaring undying devotion. But soon, their adoration turned wild, obsessive. Strangers followed her home, whispering sonnets through her mail slot. The barista proposed in foam art.
Fleeing, she found the old woman laughing.
“I said one drop, darling. Love is sweet. Obsession? That’s a curse.”
Madeline swore off magic—and dating—forever.