Title: "Don’t Eat the Fruit!"

'Don’t eat the fruit!' his conscience screamed.

As the man saw the plump, red fruit that his wife held in front of him, he could see that it was appealing. He never had it before, and it looked really good. He imagined how sweet it would taste.

Suddenly, the whole world changed around him with a flash. The man saw murder, death, a lion ripping the bloody entrails off a lamb. Then, he saw the pale imitation of himself. A corpse.

The man gasped. It was a vision of the future, no mistaking it.

Still, that fruit looked so delicious.

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My contribution this week: https://moodling.substack.com/p/unfolded

This one was inspired by a suggestion from @FeastsandFables to write a 100-word story every day for a week about something that brings me joy.

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Title: Empty

He finished his cup of tea and looked at her blank face wistfully.

"I can help with anything. Like paperwork."

She stared beyond him, through the illuminated stained glass window of her office.

"Was the tea good?" she asked, her voice hollow.

"It's great," he lied, keeping his eyes on hers.

"Then I will get back to work."

"I have nothing to do. Let me help you. Please."

"No, it's fine. Please leave me alone."

As he left the office, he lamented over the joyous, spirited girl she was when they were young.

Was being married to him that awful?

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