I love this so much. These games are my favorite!

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You crazy crazy lady.. I love this Erica, your OCDness and the fact that you’ve found time to share printable cut out pages for us when you’re mid house move and your life must be chaos! You’re one hell of a bright star!

I’m off to google Murdle now !

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023Author

I’m always doing crazy stuff like this. It’s only recently that I’ve been sharing some of my crazy publicly. This weekend I start the great packing as the move could happen anywhere between the next 3-5 weeks! Crazy to think. Then there’ll be renovations on the new place, unpacking, getting settled in.

I just hope and pray I’ll be able to keep up with my 100 word stories daily! I may need to write some ahead just to be on the safe side! 👍🏾

Let me know what you think about Murdle. Every now and then I pick up the book and do one or two puzzles. It helps to focus my brain and use it at the same time. With a two year old sometimes I feel so frazzled I need a good brain cleanser to round out my day before bed.

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I will let you know about Murdle, meanwhile look after yourself Erica, moving house is so damn stressful - Ive moved three times in my life, twice to different countries, both times I ignored all the warnings and collapsed with nervous exhaustion; take time out for you, even if its just an hour each day - its necessary! x

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This looks so fun! Also, I need to ask about the no bookmark thing - how do you remember what page you’re on? 😂 Agreed about the dog ears. That’s just vandalism!

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I am so OCD that I must finish on a chapter. It's easier to remember a chapter # versus a page number. So, if I'm in a situation where I know I can't finish a chapter, I will stop where I am and won't read the next chapter. I mastered this whenever I used to commute to work by train or bus. Before I start a chapter I would count the number of pages and then see how much further I had in my destination before I would decide if I could safely start. I've been known to intentionally miss my stop so I could finish a chapter and double back the other direction.

Now that I work from home it makes carving time out to read a bit trickier. There's just something about a moving vehicle that's always put me in the mood to read. How can I recreate that when I'm sitting at home at my desk?! lol

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Haha love it. Can’t let a stop get in the way of a good story!!

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