Failure to you is inspiration for another! Only you know your goals and the ways that are best for self motivation. For me, a new writer to substack, your fiction even if it’s not as much as you would have liked was consistent and great quality. It was the reason i subscribed and it helped me. You are like the opposite of me in the way that you exhibit a deep level of structure and organization that i admire and strive for.
I’ve also been reflecting and while i would say I’ve been successful i know the direction i want to take. Less things at a time to be able to put out more. Realizing while i have a low ability to focus on one thing at a time, focusing on one thing at a time allows me to dive into it to create higher quality writing and more space to randomly post the free flowing thoughts that want to be shared. Right now my serials are too spaced out even for me because i have too many (fiction and non). I don’t like that but I learned from it and like everything else it’s trial and error.
I’m sorry you see your efforts this year as a failure. Seems like you learned a lot. I hope you give yourself credit for that. Sometimes a simple passing grade is enough if you’re headed in the right direction, yes? And I think you’re headed in the right direction.
I only have one thing to say about all of this: You GO girl! Honestly, where are you going to find the time for all of this? The Daily 100 word stories are challenging enough, but with everything else on top of that? Your page is going to zoom out into the stratosphere! But, reading it, is inspiring. I only put out two projects a week -- and I've got loads of time! I don't have a job to work as well. All the best to you with this. Better still? I have a feeling you can do this with no problems!
Failure to you is inspiration for another! Only you know your goals and the ways that are best for self motivation. For me, a new writer to substack, your fiction even if it’s not as much as you would have liked was consistent and great quality. It was the reason i subscribed and it helped me. You are like the opposite of me in the way that you exhibit a deep level of structure and organization that i admire and strive for.
I’ve also been reflecting and while i would say I’ve been successful i know the direction i want to take. Less things at a time to be able to put out more. Realizing while i have a low ability to focus on one thing at a time, focusing on one thing at a time allows me to dive into it to create higher quality writing and more space to randomly post the free flowing thoughts that want to be shared. Right now my serials are too spaced out even for me because i have too many (fiction and non). I don’t like that but I learned from it and like everything else it’s trial and error.
Excited to read more fiction from you!
I’m sorry you see your efforts this year as a failure. Seems like you learned a lot. I hope you give yourself credit for that. Sometimes a simple passing grade is enough if you’re headed in the right direction, yes? And I think you’re headed in the right direction.
I only have one thing to say about all of this: You GO girl! Honestly, where are you going to find the time for all of this? The Daily 100 word stories are challenging enough, but with everything else on top of that? Your page is going to zoom out into the stratosphere! But, reading it, is inspiring. I only put out two projects a week -- and I've got loads of time! I don't have a job to work as well. All the best to you with this. Better still? I have a feeling you can do this with no problems!