Dear Reader,
NOTE: This email may get cut off due to its length. If so, just click HERE to read it online.
Because of my paid subscribers there is so much I am able to do now that I was not able to do before and there is so much more that I’d like to do as we head into 2025. And it’s because of my goals and ambitions for 2025 (more on that later) that I am making some major changes. Read on to learn more as this will be a pretty short and to the point update…
Essentially, what’s happening is that more of my 100 word stories are going to paid subscribers immediately as opposed to at the end of each month changing them all to be for Paid Subscribers.
The way this will work is: Weekday stories are going to be paywalled immediately and Weekend stories will be available to all. However, the same Archive rules will also apply and ALL weekend stories will be put behind a paywall at the end of the month.
Why am I making this drastic change? Well, if you’ve been following my 100 word stories journey, you’ll know that I’m scheduled to surpass 500 stories written in early September. And not only that, but by the end of this year, all 500 of these stories will be available to purchase in print form. I think I’ve proven myself and my storytelling abilities as the Queen of 100 word stories, giving me the confidence to take a giant step forward on myself and my work.
When will this change happen? This will happen starting with story #501.
In future update emails I’ll share more exciting opportunities for you to be a part of my 100 word stories journey as I dream up ideas for 2025 with merchandise and more to bring to life! In the meantime, consider purchasing any of the first four in my collection of 100 word stories:
As you know, October is Pentober month. This is the second annual time of year when we do away with our computers and tech devices and harken back to pen and paper to write our 100 word stories together.
ERROR CORRECTION: In my Accountability Check-In #3 I shared the teaser list. It was the list from last year. I apologize for not noticing that before I sent the email. However, here is the correct list. I also had the wrong days for our practice to begin: September 16 - September 30 (15 days)
And here is a sneak peek at the 31 word prompts we’ll be using in October. This list has an extra bit of coolness to them. But you’ll have to wait till October 1st to find out what that is…
REMINDER: All previous 100 Word Stories are now in ARCHIVE for Paid Subscribers.
Coming in 2025:
Old Wounds—New Beginnings [NOT the Official Title]
I’ve changed the title for this collection and created the cover as well. But unlike previous books I’ve self-published, I’m going to attempt to do better with this one and actually have a release action plan! Title and cover reveals pending till some time next Spring, for now, releasing the stories is what’s most important.
Two short stories in September: The Murder Factory and The Empty Casket
The Serial Hour Podcast is getting dangerously closer to releasing episodes for our co-written fantasy. We’ve revealed the name all of our series will be written under as well as the title of our first trilogy! Want to know what they are? Subscribe today: